Eye Floaters:What are the causes and what can you do?

Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes liquifies and contracts. However, they can be symptoms of other eye conditions of which require attention. The best thing to do is to go to an ophthalmologist for an eye check when you noticed sudden changes to your vision or increased eye floaters; in fact, for the long-term wellbeing of your eyes, it is recommended to add eye check to your annual health regimen.

In recent years, more younger members of the population has been experiencing eye floaters. COVID-19 has transformed and escalated the development and usage of multimedia devices globally. Digital devices have become a crucial and normal part of everyone’s daily life; the time spent by students, workers and the public on these devices has increased significantly as compared to pre-pandemic period. People who are near-sighted are more likely to have floaters at a younger age.

Eye floaters are those spots in your vision. They may seem like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs drifting about when you move your eyes, and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly.

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What Are Eye Floaters?

There is a transparent jelly-like substance called vitreous body inside the eyeball. With age, the vitreous body shrinks, liquefies and forms condensations. The condensations will cast shadows onto the retina under light. These shadows will form different shapes such as black spots, floating in front of us. However, they are not necessarily being like mosquitoes. They may be in the shape of strips, lines, dots or irregularities. All of these situations are collectively referred to “floaters.”

When Do Eye Floaters Require Attention?

Eye floaters themselves are not dangerous, however, in some cases they can be a symptom of more serious, sight-threatening conditions. it is important to get your eyes checked when new eye floaters appear, especially when accompanied by other symptoms such as flashes or streaks of light, black spots and/or a black shadow coming over your vision, deteriorating sight, which may result from diabetic retinopathy or retinal detachment, a very serious and potentially blinding condition that requires urgent medical attention, however, if a retinal tear is caught early, it is easier to treat.

Who Are the People More Likely to Be Affected by Eye Floaters?

Tips About Eye Floaters

  • You see black dots or shadows floating around in your field of vision. It will fade or disappear on their own. If they don't fade, sometimes your brain will learn to ignore them. As a result, your vision will begin to adapt. You'll no longer notice them as much.
  • If eye floaters appear, your eye doctor will use eye drops to dilate your pupil to closely examine your eyes, checking the floaters and any underlying concerns, including retinal tear or detachment, bleeding, and other ailments.
  • If there is a sudden increase in the number of floaters or they come with flashes, there may be underlying retinal break or retinal detachment. You should seek immediate medical advice. If left untreated, the retinal break or retinal detachment may progress and result in complete blindness.

Remember, prevention is better than cure! Regular eye examination is the most effective method to detect eye conditions earlier on. Protect the health of your eyes and vision, get your eyes checked annually, and as soon as there is any anomaly!

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