School support

Please encourage your students, teaching staff and parents to support, and you will be rewarded with an Orbis Eye Care Pack!

How Our School Can Support?

Each supporter receives an Eye Care Pack when:
  • A student donates MOP30 or above
  • A staff donates MOP100 or above

Please return the completed donation form and donations to Orbis on or before December 11, 2018. You will receive the Eye Care Packs from Orbis. and you may encourage teaching staff, students and parents to wear the Orbis Eye Care Pins from October to December to support “Action for Sight 2018”, or assign a designated date for students to wear the pins.

In order to show our appreciation, names of participated organizations will appear in the “Action for Sight 2018” Thank You Advertisement on Macao Daily News on early December, where the “Top Three Fundraising Schools” will be announced (upon your approval)

You may arrange an Eye Care talk for your students, or have Eye Care panels displayed at your campus. Please contact us for more details.

Donation Form


For inquiries, please contact Ms Chloe Sio:

Phone number: (853) 2830 0787

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